Saudi Arabia: Water Resources Network Modernization, 2013


Croatia, Europe – USTDA (2006)

National Meteorological Center Modernization

The Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service of the Republic of Croatia requested assistance to develop a comprehensive plan for the modernization of the national meteorological and hydrological observational networks as well as for modernization of other infrastructure components for weather, water, and environmental monitoring and forecasting capabilities.  The efforts included:

Adverse weather and flooding and associated environmental problems had cost the Croatian economy around $250 million USD annually, severely impacting the quality of life of citizens and economic development.  The impact of flooding in recent years has made it essential that Croatia modernize environmental monitoring and forecast activities, including improved weather sensing systems such as a network of radars, and reliable high-speed data communications infrastructure.  Accurate weather and flood forecasting is especially important in the region because of the rapid onset of dangerous conditions.

The project included addressing all these needs.  A complete analysis of infrastructure was produced from which a requirements document was generated.  The government of Croatia is now on their way in modernizing the weather monitoring capabilities which will not only serve Croatia but the entire region.
